Extended blooming period and colour-changing habit.
You'll be amazed watching this unusually named plant's cream-and green, tubular spikes change to white during its summerlong season. These 6–7" racemes rise above a very large clump of foliage to attract butterflies and honeybees. Outstanding in back of a summer border and in bouquets. Drought tolerant and deer resistant.
- Botanical Name: Kniphofia 'Ice Queen'
- Form: Perennial
- Hardiness Zone: 5-9
- Flowering Time: Early to late summer. Will continued to re-flower summer long.
- Light Requirements: Full Sun
- Flower Color: Cream and green flower spikes that slowly age into white.
- Flower Form: Individual tubular flowers clustered around the top of each stem in a narrow spike. Each blooming portion of the spike is about 6-7" long.
- Foliage Type: Sword shaped gray-green leaves.
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Height/Habit: 40 - 60 inches
- Spread: 36 - 42 inches
- Planting Instructions: Top of plant should be just below the soil level and 36-42" apart.
- Soil Requirements: Well drained
- Will Tolerate: Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
- Pruning: Prune to remove spent flower spikes to encourage more blooming.